Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Self-Education: The "forms" part I

Forms from "Botantical Terms" page.
  • Annular: in the form of a ring
  • Calathiform: basket- or cup-shaped
  • Concolor: of uniform color
  • Coroniform: crown-shaped
  • Cruciform: cross-shaped
  • Cyathiform: cup-shaped
  • Dimorphic: having two forms
  • Disciform: having a flowering head that contains both filiform and disk flowers, referring to members of the Asteraceae
  • Ensiform: sword-shaped, as applied to a leaf
  • Filiform: (1) threadlike; (2) a type of flower in the Asteraceae which is pistillate and has a very slender, tubular corolla
  • Funnelform: gradually widening upwards, as in the flowers of morning glory
  • Fusiform: spindle-shaped, thickest in the middle and drawn out at both ends
  • Heteromorphic: of one or more kind or form
  • Homomorphic: all of the same kind or form
  • Junciform: rush-like in appearance
  • Napiform: turnip-shaped
  • Nascent: in the process of being formed
  • Netted: same as reticulated, in the form or pattern of a network
  • Pyriform: pear-shaped
  • Reniform: kidney-shaped or rounded with a notch at the base
  • Rostrate: having a beak or beak-like form
  • Salverform: with a slender tube abruptly expanded into a rotate limb
  • Scalariform: ladder-like
  • Umbellulate: in the form of or having the appearance of an umbel
  • Uncinate: hooked near the apex or having the form of a hook
  • Zygomorphic: with inequality in the size or form of similar parts, specifically bilaterally symmetric and capable of being bisected into equal mirror-image halves along one plane only

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